The Mighty Largehearted Boy Features Spent Saints in its Book Notes Series w/Playlist!
Honored to be included here with some greats ... #LargeheartedBoy #SpentSaints #RollingStones #AliceCooper #Ramones #BillySedlmayr
Spent Saints spread in Detroit Metro Times: Brian Smith in conversation with author Peter Markus. Pl
. #PeterMarkus #Detroit #Tucson #SpentSaints #Novelist
Lit Magazine The Nervous Breakdown Features Spent Saints
There's a Q&A here and an excerpt here. Stoked about this because I've been reading Nervous Breakdown for years and often listen to Brad...
Spent Saints Reading at Zia Records in Tempe, Arizona
Last night ... big turnout, smart questions with both the crowd and kickass writer Jason Patrick Woodbury, rollicking violin by my...
Dublab radio: Brian talks Spent Saints (and on-air reading) with host Liz Warner
Was in Los Angeles this past week reading at Book Soup, which, to my shock, went really really well, as did the reading in Tucson...
Reading and Signing Spent Saints Friday (April 7) at Antigone Books in Tucson
Event date: Friday, April 7, 2017 - 7:00 p.m. Event address: 411 N 4th Ave Tucson, Arizona 85705 We'll be showing films and there'll be a...
Reading and Signing Spent Saints this Saturday (April 8) at the legendary Book Soup in West Hollywoo
We'll be showing films too. Event date: Saturday, April 8, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. Address: Book Soup 8818 Sunset Boulevard West Hollywood, CA...