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New York City Readings (and Screening) for Tucson Salvage

From Brian: Honored to be launching/reading (and screening) Tucson Salvage – Tales and Recollections from La Frontera in New York City this weekend with major writers and poets and lovely urchins and noisemakers. (Now what was that damn Silverhead song?)

Two absolutely killer venues: Friday I’ll read from Tucson Salvage at Manhattan’s mighty The Bowery Electric at swingin' rock ’n’ roll-lit show Puma Perl's Pandemonium! Puma will read too and I adore her. She’s like Jim Carroll’s kid sis, her power-persuasive writing is sooooo damn New York, the tender Burroughs/Thunders NYC I fell in love with, the piss-y subways, Max’s, copping in Washington Square. I grew up romanticizing a world she defines. That bill includes writer Jeanann Verlee, singer June Pierce, Silk Cut, John S. Hall and RB Korbet. With Puma Perl and Friends, JOff WilsOn and SoulCake, the great saxman Danny Ray, Walter G. Steding, Joe Sztabnik, Rick Eckerle. Also glorious glam rebooter Sam Hariss spins tunes. Puma says surprise guests too. Fuck me!

Saturday it’s powerHouse Books (29 Adams Street) in Brooklyn, celebrating lit magazine Anti-Heroin Chic’s new anthology, What Keeps Us Here – Songs from the Other side of Trauma (they used one of my photos on its cover!) and also the Tucson Salvage release. We’ll screen our doc with the lovely, smart, film-fest winning director (and wife) Maggie Rawling Smith. Great writers on this bill including the wonderful poet James Diaz, who I also adore, with Elisabeth Ferrell Horan, Jennifer Wolkin and Beth Gordon.

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